199,360 97%
Another 19-year-old young adult (No Tim, not living in germany!). He had a complete penektomy. I wonder how he feels when his testicles are full and he can't empty them.
Excuse my ignorance but what's the point in keeping balls? Just throw away everything and feed it to the dogs!
devosa 1ヶ月前
Also ich finde, die Eier und der Sack sollten auch entfernt werden. Das währe die Endlösung!
I like the look of just balls! I have a split cock currently & always amplaying with the hole,so no shaft means just a hole above my balls which would be more pleasurable to me ! I also enjoy the idea of being able to wear a fake cock in any size & then just take it off when I want & have a hole to play with! It's a lot about kinky pleasures,mixed with looks + It's my way of showing I'm against the system that says men must have a penis & women a vagina! I've never really been one to just fit in with a crowd! It's something many wouldn't ever understand & I get that! it's sure not something every guy would consider!BUT...I know it to be the right choice for me! It's on my mind a lot! As for sex life...Welll...Does mean I'd bottom a lot more,but...I'm pretty okay with that!